Rise Team
Art Tutor: Shelley Wilson
Shelley is a Dorset based artist with a love of drawing animals and being surrounded by nature. Shelley’s worked with a wide range of materials including painting, pen and ink, pyrography, glass engraving, stop motion animation and 3D design.
Shelley graduated with an MA in Sequential Design and Illustration from Brighton University in 2018. Her final major project was an exploration of how mental illness effects familial relationships. Shelley also has an HND in Natural History Design and a Degree in Illustration.
Before having her youngest daughter, Shelley worked in the field of mental health and gave support, advocacy and offered signposting on a one-to-one and group basis, including art journaling workshops.
Shelley says “I know from experience that it can be hard for mums to find time and space to practice self-care and connect with others who relate to how they are feeling. My wish for The Rise course is to create a positive, non-judgemental and safe space which encourages freedom of creative expression, communication and connection with others. I also hope the mums who come along will learn new skills which they can continue exploring beyond the sessions and that they come away with a sense of achievement and a boost to their self-esteem.”
Peer Supporter: Hannah Benjafield
Hannah has a range of experience most of which has been gained by my almost 10 years of employment at Dorset county maternity unit. In the last 18 months Hannah has become part of the continuity perinatal mental health midwife team as a senior support worker. In addition to this Hannah is part of the co-production group with NHS England’s perinatal mental health as someone with lived experience of perinatal mental health difficulties.
Hannah is passionate about supporting families as they begin their new journey. She has four of her own children (17, 12, 7 & 4) and knows too well that the new parenting road is often far from straight. Hannah is so happy to be part of this course and it beneficial space and support for mums.
Project Lead: Jess Beale
Jess is the Community Engagement Manager for Dorchester Arts.
Jess will be overseeing the programme and will be managing the referral process so you can expect a chat with her before you start the course.
Creche Team – coming soon
“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.”
Contact us
For more information engage@dorchesterarts.org.uk or call 01305 266926